Hi Everyone! I'm so excited about the interest in supporting Team McKay. Lots of people from PG and Farmington have reached out to help.
There is a Donate button towards the top of the blog where you can click to donate any amount towards the production of the shirt. This would make it possible to donate so much more money in McKay's name.
The order form below is actually a photograph - until I can figure out how to link the actual document... You should be able to save the picture and then print it yourself if you want. We do need the money before we can place your order. Please let me know if you have any questions!
If you do not have a child at school you should be able to drop your order off in either district's high school office. The deadline is Wednesday afternoon. If you want to drop it in the mail - I have to receive it by Wednesday - but here's the address:
Mandy Hunt
Prairie Grove High School
500 Cole Drive
Prairie Grove, AR 72753